
Diskussion rund um das GPS Track Analyse Programm TrackGuru
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Registriert: 06.08.2022, 12:42


Beitrag von risky7 »


Firstly, you can give answer in German language since I understand it well, but my writing in German is bad so I don't do that.

1. Can you add possibility for frames in window to change size or hide? I'd like to have larger frame with map, and I use diagram only after I analyse track in trackpont-table ("Trackpunkt-Editor") so diagram should be usually hidden.
2. When I change point in trackpoint-table then map jumps to this point which is exactly what I want, but I cannot change zoom manually. There is setting "Manuelles Zoomen" in settings that disables this sync between trackpoint-table and map and then zoom works, but I would like option that sync between trackpoint-table and map works and that I can also change zoom manually.

Background: For years I'm doing long trips (2 months) with bicycle and mountain-hiking-gear and after those trips I've analysed those trips in Garmin Basecamp. I'm using gps since 2000's and at that time there was no alternative for Garmin topo maps, but since several years offline OpenStreetMap map format ( and others) are much better (and free) so I'm trying to move away from Garmin to software that works with these maps and on linux. I've made tests with such software (JGpsTrackEdit, BikeXperience, QMapShack, Viking, GpsPrune, GpsMaster) but all of them failed either at working with offline-maps mapsforgeserv-map or they had unusable trackpoint tables. Only TrackGuru survived all tests for efficiently replace Garmin Basecamp.

PS: Many years ago I also used GpsTrackAnalyse.Net.
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Re: Suggestions

Beitrag von Nop »

To 1.:

Yes, I think it is possible to add sliding dividers between the different parts. Java supports that. But don't blame me if the layout looks like s**t then. :-)

To 2.:

The hard difference is deliberate. If you can both zoom manually but it jumps back to a position every time you click a point would probably be very annoying and confuse the hell out of the average user.
Beiträge: 6
Registriert: 06.08.2022, 12:42

Re: Suggestions

Beitrag von risky7 »

1. If dividers are clumsy, maybe you can add options in trackguru-cfg file so that users can manually write values for frame-dimensions (relative to window) in that text file before starting trackguru.

2. Do we think about same operation under zooming? In Basecamp it works like this:
- I click on point in trackpoint-table
- Basecamp centers map on that point with default zoom
- I change zoom - this means I change magnification of map but map remains centered on point in trackpoint-table
- I click on different point in trackpoint-table
- Basecamp centers on this new point but retains my magnification and doesnt return to default magnification
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Registriert: 10.01.2019, 20:46

Re: Suggestions

Beitrag von Nop »

Good news, I think I was able to integrate both features for the next version. There is a divider now between map and diagrams, and a third selection mode which only centers.
Beiträge: 6
Registriert: 06.08.2022, 12:42

Re: Suggestions

Beitrag von risky7 »


Colder days came so now I have more time to write journal from my 2-months summer trip through mountains, so I started with trackguru 0.92, and done most with 1.0. Here's my expirience:
- solved: resize-hide of graph is exactly how it should be
- solved: when I set zoom on map and then scroll through trackpoint-table then map retains (doesn't change) my zoom, exactly as it should be.

Benefit is that with graph hidden and zoom lowered (zoom-out) scrolling through trackpoint-table is several times faster.

Overall, I expected that transition from Garmin-Basecamp to TrackGuru would require some compromises, but result is that working on TrackGuru is better:
- runs on Xubuntu 22.04 without wine
- through mapsforgeserv I can use osm-andromaps maps which I use on my trips instead of garmin maps which I don't use
- I also noticed that trackguru supports track-segments that I do every day on oruxmaps on trip, this way it is so much easier to jump to certain date, and also track-handling (repair, save) is much faster than in garmin-basecamp which doesn't have this.
Statistics and gpx modification-save also seem to work good.

So, thanks.

Some suggestions, nothing important or necessary:
1. Same way like hiding graph it would be nice to hide everything except map. This way I could scroll through map in fullscreen. When I work on tablet with smaller screen this would be useful.
2. Add graph distance-speed (existing graph is distance-height).
3. Add static-distance-measurement-line (not tool but static line with distance-indications which usually exist on corner of printed maps) on map, this way it would be possible to roughly determine distance between places. This could also be hidden in same way like hiding graph.
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Beiträge: 588
Registriert: 10.01.2019, 20:46

Re: Suggestions

Beitrag von Nop »

risky7 hat geschrieben: 28.11.2022, 11:50 2. Add graph distance-speed (existing graph is distance-height).
If you switch on "show speeds" to the right of the speed profile drop-down, the diagram should also switch to speed.
Beiträge: 6
Registriert: 06.08.2022, 12:42

Re: Suggestions

Beitrag von risky7 »

Found it, and it works. Thanks :)
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Registriert: 18.01.2024, 13:28

Re: Suggestions

Beitrag von cervezagut »

Totally feel you on the map frame thing for TrackGuru. Being able to tweak sizes and hide the diagram when needed would be sweet. And that zoom sync hassle? Been there. Having a manual zoom option without breaking the sync would be a game-changer.
Beiträge: 5
Registriert: 18.01.2024, 15:56

Re: Suggestions

Beitrag von MarcRouj »

Your biking and hiking adventures sound epic, and I'm definitely giving TrackGuru a shot as a Garmin alternative.
Beiträge: 6
Registriert: 06.08.2022, 12:42

Re: Suggestions

Beitrag von risky7 »


Just passed track-gpx from 2-months-trip with trackguru-v1.1.

I used trackguru on android-tablet with termux-xfce4-java, and map was supplied by mapsforgesrv.jar (also running on termux) so I could use my favorite offline-map.

Runs without problems. I like track-colors (red=overspeed, green=pause, selected-part=light-blue).

I wanted to ask one thing. I noticed that trackpoint-table (trackpunkt-editor) shows time (column zeit) in GMT-timezone although track was recorded in CET-timezone (on android oruxmaps). Is that correct? And if it is, is it possible to put parameter somewhere in settings which would shift time in trackpoint-table so it would show correct time?
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Registriert: 10.01.2019, 20:46

Re: Suggestions

Beitrag von Nop »

I assume that time is normalized to GMT for storage. The conversion happened on your device in any case.

Right now there is no functionality for processing absolute times or locales. Track Guru only cares about time differences (or removing timestamps for privacy).

It would be possible to add a locale to the options, I'll look into it.

PS: Wrote this much earlier, but left it unsent in the form...
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Beiträge: 588
Registriert: 10.01.2019, 20:46

Re: Suggestions

Beitrag von Nop »

Ok, found out some things about Track Guru that I didn't know myself. :D

Actually, Track Guru already has locale support, built into the JPX library I use to load the tracks.

The GPX format is very simple, this is a real point taken from one of my tracks

Code: Alles auswählen

<trkpt lat="49.66827641" lon="11.40663899">
The time is stored normalized to UTC, and the "Z" in the end of the time indicates UTC. If it was a different locale, there should be a time offset there instead of the "Z".
GPX Definition XSD Datetime definition

This is already working in Track Guru, if I look at the same point in the editor panel, it shows as "10:36:56".

So the first step would be to check the format of the raw time in your GPX files.
If that is identical, Java might have a problem detecting the correct default locale. The JPX library is using the ZonedDateTime mechanism of Java, and the zone is never explicitly set, so it should be using system defaults.
Beiträge: 6
Registriert: 06.08.2022, 12:42

Re: Suggestions

Beitrag von risky7 »

I can confirm that this is not problem in trackguru.

I've tried trackguru on standard-linux archlinux on machine with intel-cpu, and timezone works correctly. Problem appears on termux, so I'll ask on termux-github. :)